Institution of Engineering Designers Promotion of Design Award

We are delighted to announce that the White Horse Soapbox Derby were awarded the Promotion of Design Award for 2024 for bringing together the wider community of Westbury and showcasing STEM to the local school children.
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Institution of Engineering Designers Promotion of Design Award

The Institution of Engineering Designers Promotion of Design Award was introduced in 2009 to award an individual or team for their work in promoting engineering design to a wider audience.

Institution of Engineering Designers Promotion of Design Award

We are delighted to announce that the White Horse Soapbox Derby were awarded the Promotion of Design Award for 2024 for bringing together the wider community of Westbury and showcasing STEM to the local school children – through outreach projects during the year and also through STEM activities on the day.

The awards ceremony took place on Saturday 13 July 2024 at the RNLI College in Poole. Ryan and his wife were invited along on the day to receive the award in person.

The IED has been lucky enough to be involved in the Soapbox Derby since it’s inception in 2021 when Ryan first suggested the slightly bonkers idea of racing homemade go carts down the face of an ancient scheduled monument – bringing the joy and spectacle of engineering to the people of Westbury and in particular the younger members of the community.

We would like to congratulate them on being worthy winners and look forward to working with them in the future.

Westbury Town Council have worked with a number of organisations to develop and roll out engineering workshops, with Gold Sponsor, Arke Ltd a major contributor since the event’s conception.

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